Manuka Honey for Oral Care

It is hard to fathom that something with so much sugar can be so beneficial to your oral health, but Manuka honey will always have a way of surprising you.

Ever have a painful ulcer in your mouth? Well as you can guess, manuka honey has been shown to help with ulcers from your mouth to your gut!

Due to the fact that Manuka has additional non-peroxide dependent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, research has found that manuka honey can kill plaque bacteria in the mouth. It has also been found to help treat chronically infected open mastoid cavities.

Gingivitis is a periodontal disease that can start off with minimal symptoms of bleeding gums when brushing and flossing, to more prominent symptoms of red, swollen and irritated gums. If left untreated it leads to Periodontitis which is generally irreversible. Symptoms include receding gums, sensitive teeth, sore gums, bad breath, and gaps between the teeth and gums called gum pockets. Periodontitis can also damage the bone and connective tissue around teeth, and in severe cases, lead to tooth loss. This is why it is crucial to treat Gingivitis early. There has been research, and reports that show that manuka honey can help with treating and reversing Gingivitis, killing the bacteria and significantly reducing gum inflammation.

Aside from killing bacteria and reducing inflammation, Manuka honey is shown to neutralize the acidity that sugar causes which in turn damages teeth.

There are so many ways to incorporate manuka in your oral health! Simply eating it can help, however people have used it making mouthwashes and toothpaste. Stay tuned for an easy to make at home toothpaste recipe; who knows, maybe one day soon we will have our very own SAMU Manuka Toothpaste 😉

Show Me the Research!

This is not medical advice. Please speak to your doctor before trying any new health regimens.
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